Propelling the POGO machine for the last twenty years is his never ending quest on a seriously fun journey through the psychedelic cosmos.
POGO has surrounded and immersed his whole system into evolving and composing a massive quality of sound and universal vision, from his early underground legendary Wingmakers parties to present day studio productions.
He has influentially traversed the decades with his big love of performing as DJ POGO at global festivals and events like Glastonbury, Universo Paralello, Origin, Noisily and Boom, to name a few. With his fluid DJ style, POGO was inspired to create his own vivid productions.
The early POGO productions began in 2004 with two compilation albums, “Beaches & Cream” and “Wingmakers”, released on Dragonfly records, including collaborations with top artists Tristan, Dickster, Laughing Buddha and Prometheus, which were solid and ground-breaking at the time.
In 2007, POGO joined the dedicated NANO family to produce a further Wingmakers album – “Beyondwards and Upwards” 2008. This period also saw the manifestation of the collaborative project of weighty, no-nonsense duo Master Blasters, a high end production that resonated at the core of the scene, with the album “Life Changing Experiences” released in 2011.
With his sonic sculpted studio in London, POGO has unleashed his growing capacity to evolve his innovative sound, giving birth to the compelling solo productions, with the “Rock your Soul” album released 2017.
The backbone to the POGO philosophy explores a sensory resonance in dissolving sound waves into an electrifying experiential landscape. There is an on-going communion between an ancient alien evolution and a stardust future, which implants the POGOustics into our present spirit. POGO’s production has the subtlety of a structured rebellion with a penetrating shamanic message to resurrect the golden soul.